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WildFloraTour is a flower watching specialized Dept. of the registered company-Absolute Wild Travel Service Co., Ltd which based in Chengdu focusing on providing professional flower-watching tours to English-speaking travelers from all over the world. We have a team of local plant experts who have spent many years studying and photographing flowers in different parts of China.

Website: www.wildfloratour.com



AbsolutePanda is a group of expert nature enthusiasts who are committed to perfecting the art of travel. With our team based in the core of the giant panda’s natural habitat, we are adept at leading clients into panda habitats and beyond. We take great pride in our craft and enjoy when our guests finish a tour with a heightened appreciation for the natural and cultural landscape of China. With a variety of elaborately crafted products focusing on themes ranging from wildlife photography to cultural exchange, our team is more than capable of building you the perfect trip.

Website: www.chinawildlifetour.com

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